What to do after your first class degree
So, you’ve safely negotiated exam season and all that is left is to eagerly await your results after a long, hard academic year. But what are the next steps should you get the results you aimed for and achieve a great degree at university? The likelihood is you have been so consumed with your revision and final coursework that your plan has been far from the front of your mind, but the fact is that many of you will get the qualification you deserve and walk away with the ultimate prize.

How does someone get a first-class degree at university?
First things first, before we let you know about the range of choices available to you after you get your results, check out our tips for ensuring you get the results you are looking for.
How to get a great degree at university
22% of students got a first at Uni last year, a marked improvement on the year before and considerably higher than a decade ago when the first rate was just 11%. This isn’t indicative of easier degrees, but rather higher standards of education and of course the hard work and determination shown by students. So how have these figures been achieved?
Desire – This may sound obvious, but you need to really, really want it. Many students are happy to live the Life of Riley and achieve a decent degree but to get a first-class qualification it needs to be your number one priority.
Put The Hours In at the Library – Whether you like it or not, in order to gain a first, the library is going to be your second home for the best part of three years. Studying at home is essential but you just won’t have access to the materials needed to get the very best degree qualification possible.
Build a Rapport With Your Tutors – Essential to securing a first is making sure you have a great relationship with all of your tutors. They will see this and ensure you have all the support you need. Your tutors will know just what it takes to get a first-class degree at university so be sure to listen to all the advice they offer.
What happens when I get my degree?
When results day comes and you most likely get the best news of your academic career to date, what next? Well, there are really two choices available to you and it isn’t for us to tell you which is right and which is wrong, as this is a personal decision and both have their merits. One can enter the big wide world of work with their first-class degree, which can be a viable option depending on which sector you are looking to work in. This can give you invaluable experience and obviously result in you starting to earn a decent wage as soon as possible, enabling you to start paying back your student loan and building for your future.

A Master’s Degree
The other option is of course a Masters course. This will bolster your degree. However, for many advanced industries such as the sciences and engineering, a Masters is not essential, but it is a huge catalyst for your career. Many students are put off this option due to the fact they have already accumulated a lot of debt and been in education so long, that they are eager to get out into employment. However, there is funding for Masters degrees available from all the best universities in the country. You can see the information from Bristol, Nottingham and Exeter by visiting their websites or clicking the links above. Or you can choose to study somewhere entirely different for your Masters – the choice is yours.
Bursaries & scholarships
There is also a plethora or other options such as studentships, bursaries and scholarships available, and some employers will even sponsor your Masters and keep you in part-time employment so you can learn your industry as you study. There are loads of options available to you when it comes to Masters scholarships.
Good Luck!
We wish you all the best with the final stages of the academic year and hope you get the degree you deserve. For more guides like this make sure you come back to the blog soon and remember you can view our luxury student accommodation in a variety of different locations across the UK.